
Battling pesky murlocs to reclaim the land!

Classic jump and shoot, with a side of tent burning.

Collecting pickups as you go until everything has been claimed, oh and it gets more dangerous when there's a blood moon every now and then...

The Bowmen

Ensure the murlocs are cleared from the area and mark the return of safety by piercing an arrow through each lock. Don't stop until every lost territory is reclaimed.



These are irritating fiends that come to take land that does not  belong to them. Beware of their roll, it hurts.


The tumbler's big brother. Faster and stronger in every way. Don't bother trying to squash them with your foot, they have elastic scales.


These pests use their enchanted bones to turn fire into emerald flames, which they use to control the fire. They will conjure flaming ember balls as long as there is an emerald flame around.


Zones are completed by putting arrows into murlocs and lighting torches. You can dash through torches to turn them off.


Climb up poles with ladders or the chains. Good place to hang out of danger, but you have to get the arrows sometime.


Collect pickups along the way to help you keep fighting. Every zone will spawn a pickup.

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