Bowmen v0.2.0

A playability update:

Feedback from a couple players was that it was very difficult: So v0.2.0 introduces a couple mechanics to make the game easier, removes some that were a little confusing, and hopefully it makes the game less frustrating and more enjoyable.

1. Aim assist arrows

Arrows now hone in towards targetable objects.
So hitting something is much easier than before and we think it feels pretty good.

2. Lifestealing pickup

This is a new pickup for arrows that lifesteal - regenerate life on a successful hit.
These arrows are always the last to be shot.

3. Hp regen

The existing hp pickup now not only regenerates life on collection but when moving into a new zone as well.

4. Flamespeaker

The summoners behaviour was revised and now jump next to the flame when casting. It's very obvious which summoner is casting fireballs.
The torch also gets extinguished when the flamespeaker dies.

5. Flameshot

It is now much easier to get your arrow on fire. You can still shoot an arrow through flames to ignite them, but you can also now just be close to a flame to get your next shot to be a fire arrow. The bow glows red, and your arrow indicator at the bottom right shows that your next shot will be one with flames!

Making space

In pico8, space is limited and so these additions come with a cost.
v.0.1.1 was already at the token limit and so features had to be removed to make space:

It was the help section, as well as the torch locking mechanic that were removed to allow for the additions, and we think it was a good trade.

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